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APRIL 2024. We are currently in Negotiations with our Employer, Bangs Ambulance.  Our goal is a Collective Bargaining Agreement that brings equity to our workplace for all concerned.

TIMELINE - Our Organizing began over the summer of 2022, and on October 3, 2022, BAWU submitted a letter to Bangs Ambulance, requesting Voluntary Recognition of our Union. Bangs declined our request and the matter went to an Election on November 9, 2022. After the results showed a simple majority in favor of Unionization, Bangs filed an objection with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board). This was dismissed on March 14, 2023- and the results of the Election were Certified. We won our right to Collective Bargining and moved forward into the process of Collective Bargaining.

Currently, we moving towards a TA (temporary agreement) this will allow us to present a first Contract to our Membership for Ratification Vote. A successful vote will establish the first Union for EMS providers in the City of Ithaca NY.

Read more updates here

Letters of Support

TCBCTC support letter for Bangs_03.06.2024.pdf
IBEW Local 241 support letter for Bangs_03.06.2024.pdf
MESF Bangs Ambulance Workers Support Letter.pdf
Ithaca DSA Supports Bangs Ambulance Workers.pdf


The Emergency Medical Services Public Advocacy Council (EMSPAC) is dedicated to advancing the welfare of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), Paramedics, and EMS Officers/Supervisors. We engage in public awareness, hardship response, and advocacy to support all EMS providers.

EMSPAC is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charitable entity dedicated to supporting the highly difficult work of EMTs and Paramedics. We will support any member of service and their family in times of hardship through the coordination of mutual aid services.

This includes but is not limited to critical stress management, grants and funding support to manage critical incidents, formal and informal peer mentoring, continuing medical education resources, and general advocacy.

Through public awareness, member media training, and regular press engagement we will increase the exposure of positive stories about EMS members in the press.  We will coordinate the release of heroic positive calls, newsworthy member activities, and major incidents to the public.

Learn more