APRIL 2024

We are currently in Negotiations with our Employer, Bangs Ambulance.  Our goal is a Collective Bargaining Agreement that brings equity to our workplace for all concerned.

TIMELINE - Our Organizing began over the summer of 2022, and on October 3, 2022, BAWU submitted a letter to Bangs Ambulance, requesting Voluntary Recognition of our Union. Bangs declined our request and the matter went to an Election on November 9, 2022. After the results showed a simple majority in favor of Unionization, Bangs filed an objection with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board). This was dismissed on March 14, 2023- and the results of the Election were Certified. We won our right to Collective Bargining and moved forward into the process of Collective Bargaining.

Currently, we moving towards a TA (temporary agreement) this will allow us to present a first Contract to our Membership for Ratification Vote. A successful vote will establish the first Union for EMS providers in the City of Ithaca NY.

October 2023

EMT Gus Dunn-Hindle has been rehired by Bangs Ambulance !!!

We look forward to Gus rejoining our ranks and once more serving the public. This positive outcome would not have been possible without the support of all of you- the nearly 200 people who signed our online petition or through their local unions- it shows us what we can do for each other when we stand together !!!


- Bangs Ambulance Workers United 

August 2023

We are asking Bangs Ambulance to re-hire EMT Dunn-Hindle without further delay. We believe Gus is being unfairly overlooked by Bangs Management because of his involvement in our Union Effort. In the spring of 2023, Gus notified Management of an internship opportunity and was told he would be made "inactive" if he pursued it- When the internship did not come through, Gus followed company policy and reapplied for his Job. This was ignored by Bangs Management for nearly 2 months- until our employer was confronted with an Open Letter signed by 15 of his co-workers, requesting that Gus be allowed to return to work....

The response from Bangs Management has been to postpone possible re-employment until October. This is ridiculous…

Gus should not have to wait another 2 months to start working again. Our entire EMS system is under tremendous strain. EMT Dunn-Hindle is a solid emergency care provider and we need him back with us immediately.

More About Why this Matters…
Across the Country, EMS services are struggling to meet expanding 911 call volume at a time when many Paramedics and EMTs are retiring or simply burning out after decades of low pay and few benefits - then came 3 years of global pandemic. Ithaca NY is not exempt from this situation. Our service is chronically short staffed, with mutual aid being called nearly every day. We need experienced providers 24/7. Gus worked at Bangs Ambulance for over 2 years- running hundreds of 911 emergency calls and Hospital to Hospital Patient Transfers. He has a clean record and does not require any re-training or orientation. This is exactly what we need- so we are asking that Bangs Management do the right thing....

BAWU was honored with Chico Mendes Award at the Labor Day Picnic on September 4th, 2023.

BAWU succesfully adovoacted and reinstated EMT Dunn-Hindle after an unjust termination. October 2023.